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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Blog Tag

Stole this from Caitlyn McFarland Hair. So weird to write that, even though she's been married longer than I have. You know how it is. To play along, just answer each question and type the answer into Google image search and post the first picture that comes up.

First Name: Melissa
(This, according to the caption, is R&B singer Melissa Lujan.)

Middle Name: Marie, Nash (yes, I have two)
(Holly Marie Combs of Charmed)

(Basketball pro Steve Nash)

Last Name: Keller
(Kasey Keller, pro soccer player footballer)

Age: 24
(This is a still from the show.)

Place I'd like to visit someday: Ireland

Favorite Vacation Spot: Ft. Myers, FL

Past Celebrity Crush: Michael Vartan
(Does it have to be in the past? This guy is seriously
yummy -- you've seen him in Alias and Big Shots.)

College Major: Linguistics

Place(s) I grew up: Pickerington, OH

First Job: Bob Evans

Favorite Treat: dark chocolate

Favorite Food: Icelandic chicken
(Um, it's called "Icelandic chicken" because of the way it's prepared, not where the animal is from.... But I guess that's the fun of the game.) :)

Favortie Color: indigo

Somewhere I've gone today: my mom's house
(Not really my mom's house, but again, that's the fun.)

What is/was for dinner: barbecue chicken

Lashana Tova! Today was Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year and day of judgement). Since I work at the Jewish Center, I got to leave early yesterday and have today and tomorrow off work. Which is good, because we spent Saturday & Sunday traveling to see my in-laws, so I didn't get much of a weekend.

Can't believe it's already October.



quite a fun blog tag meme. :)

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