Haiku Friday #8: We Have Some Catching Up To Do...
It's been sev'ral weeks
Since I participated
In Haiku Friday
Furthermore, I have
Neglected to post in this
Blog since last Sunday.
Since November first,
I have been spending much time
On NaNoWriMo.
National Novel
Writing Month happens ev'ry
Year: each November
Hundreds of thousands
Of prospective writers try
To write for a month
Fifty thousand words
Of fiction in thirty days
Is a lofty goal.
Okay, seriously, folks. It's 1 AM and my brain hurts. Six stanzas of haiku is plenty, considering I still have quite a bit to say.
So, yeah, I'm doing NaNoWriMo again this year. I made a pathetic attempt last year while I was pregnant and on bedrest. Pathetic because I didn't get very far, considering how much time I had on my hands. It's funny how boredom can cause you to feel apathetic about doing something so you don't feel bored. Ironic, that.
NaNoWriMo, briefly, is an annual contest of sorts in which many, manypsychotic people aspiring writers set out to achieve that elusive goal that never seems to make it to the top of the priority list: write a novel. The twist? Do it in 30 days. Fifty thousand words in thirty days. That's about 1,667 words per day -- which takes me about 2 hours if I'm concentrating hard and the ideas flow freely.
Last year I logged a total of a whopping 324 words. This year, with an 11-month-old, a full-time job, and a blog, I have written about 2750 or so. You just can't say I don't work well under pressure. Of course, that's far from the goal for winning NaNoWriMo. Anyone who writes a 50,000-word (or more) novel within the time frame is a winner. Everyone who signs up and writes at least one word is a participant. My personal goal this year is to write at least a little bit every day. So far, I've achieved that. I think it's a good start to make myself a bit more disciplined. And easier to work around than the 10,002 words I should have already.
There's also NaBloPoMo, the blogging equivalent (also probably a bit easier) which of course I didn't find out about until the 2nd, and what's the point if you don't do it for the whole month?
In other news, I finished my son's Halloween costume, mostly. I didn't do the red underwear-looking thing that Superman wears over his pants. But he had the blue, the S, the cape, the yellow belt, and red socks, rather than boots. We also went to the pumpkin farm for our jack-o-lanterns last Sunday. I'll post pictures of both of these events soon.
Work's been a bit rough, not because it's preschool, and that many kids will wear anyone out, but because of the "teacher drama". Somehow I thought that it wasn't going to happen, but I'm apparently not immune. And I didn't think anything was wrong until I was confronted . . . but that's another story for another day.
Off to bed so I don't drink my weight in caffeinated beverages at school tomorrow. Happy Friday, everyone! It's good to be back!
So, yeah, I'm doing NaNoWriMo again this year. I made a pathetic attempt last year while I was pregnant and on bedrest. Pathetic because I didn't get very far, considering how much time I had on my hands. It's funny how boredom can cause you to feel apathetic about doing something so you don't feel bored. Ironic, that.
NaNoWriMo, briefly, is an annual contest of sorts in which many, many
Last year I logged a total of a whopping 324 words. This year, with an 11-month-old, a full-time job, and a blog, I have written about 2750 or so. You just can't say I don't work well under pressure. Of course, that's far from the goal for winning NaNoWriMo. Anyone who writes a 50,000-word (or more) novel within the time frame is a winner. Everyone who signs up and writes at least one word is a participant. My personal goal this year is to write at least a little bit every day. So far, I've achieved that. I think it's a good start to make myself a bit more disciplined. And easier to work around than the 10,002 words I should have already.
There's also NaBloPoMo, the blogging equivalent (also probably a bit easier) which of course I didn't find out about until the 2nd, and what's the point if you don't do it for the whole month?
In other news, I finished my son's Halloween costume, mostly. I didn't do the red underwear-looking thing that Superman wears over his pants. But he had the blue, the S, the cape, the yellow belt, and red socks, rather than boots. We also went to the pumpkin farm for our jack-o-lanterns last Sunday. I'll post pictures of both of these events soon.
Work's been a bit rough, not because it's preschool, and that many kids will wear anyone out, but because of the "teacher drama". Somehow I thought that it wasn't going to happen, but I'm apparently not immune. And I didn't think anything was wrong until I was confronted . . . but that's another story for another day.
Off to bed so I don't drink my weight in caffeinated beverages at school tomorrow. Happy Friday, everyone! It's good to be back!
Whew! I'm doing the NaBloPoMo thing, but I can't imagine the novel thing. That's hard core. Good luck! :)
Good to see you back on here again....I really only blog a lot due to being bored at work and having too much on my mind!
What do you have going on next week? Email or facebook me and let me know! Oh and you should come to 3 belles on Saturday to visit me and get some clothes, I work 4-7pm!
Maggie: He he! I'm hard core! Like Bubbles on the Powerpuff Girls. :)
Amanda: Yeah, the only time I have to blog at work is in the morning if I get here early (like now) or at lunch, and there's only one teacher computer here to use, so I usually have to wait on my break.
What a great goal! I don't know if I could ever write a novel!
I just had to tell you that you are awesome! I totally won the giveaway on Wayfaring Wanderer's site because you nominated me! You made my day lady!
Honey Mommy: I'm not sure I could ever write a novel, either. But I'm gonna try... Really I just want to achieve the goal of writing at least once a day. We'll see about 50K maybe next year.
Oh, I'm so glad you won! That's awesome. I've won some cool things lately, and I'm glad to share the love and get someone else cool stuff too!
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